Image Processing and Informatics Lab
Department of Radiology
USC Keck School of Medicine
(213) 743-2294
(213) 743-2962
Jorge Documet is a PhD at the department of Biomedical Engineering at USC. He received his bachelor degree in Systems Engineering in 2000 from University of Lima, Peru. Recently he has obtained his Master degrees in Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering from USC in 2006. He joined Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory in spring of 2003.
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering – University of Southern California, 2009
M.S. Biomedical Engineering – Medical Imaging and Informatics, University of Southern California, 2006
M.S. Computer Science – Computer Security, University of Southern California, 2006
B.S. Systems Engineering, University of Lima, 2000
Professional Memberships:
Student Member, The Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Study Managemente Tool (SMT) utilizing Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) to distribute medical examinations in a clinical environment.
A DICOM-RT Image-Based ePR (Electronic Patient Record) with Quantified Knowledge and Decision Support.
Honors and Awards:
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2003 for Inforad Exhibit: Control of Image Workflow Using Wireless PDAs? Chicago, 2003
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2004 for Inforad Exhibit: The Data Storage Grid: The Next Generation of Fault-Tolerant Storage for Backup and Disaster Recovery of Clinical Images? Chicago, 2004
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2006 for Inforad Exhibit: PDA Mobile Application for Distribution of Medical Images and Patient/Staff Tracking/Verification ? Chicago, 2006
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2006 for Inforad Exhibit: Patient Tracking and Facial Biometrics Integrated in a Clinical Environment For HIPAA Security Compliance? Chicago, 2006
Selected Conference Proceedings and Publications:
1. Documet J, Liu BJ, Documet L, Huang HK, Wireless Remote Control Clinical Image Workflow: Using a PDA for Off-Site Distribution and Disaster Recovery, Journal American College of Radiology, Vol.3, Issue 7, 520-527, 2006.
2. Documet J, Zhou Z, Liu BJ, King N, Huang HK, A design methodology for fault-tolerance in a DICOM-compliant data storage grid, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 6145:93-102, 2006.
3. Huang HK, Zhang A, Liu BJ, Zhou Z, Documet J, King N, Chan L, Data grid for large-scale medical image archive and analysis, Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1005-1013, 2005.
4. King N, Liu BJ, Zhou Z, Documet J, Huang HK, The data storage grid: the next generation of fault-tolerant storage for backup and disaster recovery of clinical images, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 5748:208-217, 2005.
5. Liu BJ, Chao S, Documet J, Lee J, Lee M, Topic I, Williams L, Implementation of an ASP model offsite backup archive for clinical images utilizing Internet 2, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 5748:224-231, 2005.
6. King N, Documet J, Zhou Z, Liu BJ, Queue monitor toolkit for tracking of PACS clinical workflow, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 5748:510-521, 2005.
7. Liu BJ, Documet L, Documet J, Huang HK, Muldoon J, Clinical Experiences Utilizing Wireless Remote Control and an ASP Model Backup Archive for a Disaster Recovery Event, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 5371:288-296, 2004.
8. Erberich SG, Documet J, Zhou MZ, Cao F, Liu BJ, Mogel GT, Huang HK, Wireless PDA Controlled Image Workflow from PACS: The Next Trend in the Health Care Enterprise?, Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 5033:181-186, 2003.