Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory
Department of Radiology
USC Keck School of Medicine
Dr. Brent Liu earned a Ph.D. degree from the UCLA Biomedical Physics Graduate Program and performed research as a Post Doctorate. During his graduate student research at UCLA from 1991 to 1996, Dr. Brent Liu had been involved in various medical image processing and informatics research projects. These include the analyses, design, implementation, and evaluation of an automatic image segmentation system based on object-oriented, knowledge base, and database-engineering principles applied to the image segmentation of bones in pediatric hand radiographs. Dr. Liu also researched and developed several image-processing applications such as image noise smoothing based on merging cluster of pixels with the aid of statistical information, removal of grid line artifacts in digitized X-ray images using Fourier Analysis filtering.
Upon graduation, Dr. Liu continued his post-doctorate research at UCLA from 1996 to 1999. During this time, Dr. Liu researched and designed a software module to capture Medical Imaging and Information data for the purposes of teaching, reviewing, and conferencing on a PACS workstation. Along with this software module, Dr. Liu contributed to the development of a suite of object-oriented class libraries to support methodological development of diagnostic PACS workstation functions and applications. These included the development of a software toolkit to convert current UCLA-proprietary PACS data into DICOM-compliant data files and the research of the use of adaptive and intelligent user interfaces and reading protocols in diagnostic PACS workstations.
From 1999 to 2002, he lead the implementation of a fully filmless PACS in a clinical setting within the Imaging Department of a high-profile community hospital (Saint John’s Health Care, Santa Monica, CA). This included not only LAN PACS within the hospital but also WAN PACS to the physician’s desktops. He was also involved with the planning and integration of other new information and imaging systems related to PACS, which include Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Oncology along with Radiology. He has served as a PACS consultant for another hospital to assist them in their integration of a fully filmless PACS. In 2002 to 2003, he also managed the implementation of a fully filmless PACS within a high-profile academic hospital (University of California Los Angeles Healthcare, Westwood, CA) that has multiple campus sites. His experience in PACS implementation is unique since he has had multiple contacts and interactions with various healthcare centers as well as the imaging industry. In addition, he brings hands-on practical knowledge of implementing different vendor PACS in both a high-profile community hospital and a large-scale academic hospital and the different experiences associated with both.
In 2003 he held an Honorary Lectureship at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he taught workshop courses in PACS Implementation, and Acceptance Testing Design/Development.
For the past five years, he has been actively administering and training within the Biomedical Imaging Informatics Training Program guiding trainees into different avenues of medical imaging informatics research. This current proposal is a competitive renewal application for the continuation of this training program. He has been strategic in bridging the gap between the two schools of engineering and medicine, as well as the different disciplines of learning, to help guide undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students and trainees to perform clinically translational and collaborative research within Medical Imaging Informatics. He teaches two required Graduate level courses at the Biomedical Engineering Department in Medical Imaging Informatics (BME527: Integration of Medical Imaging Systems & BME528: Medical Imaging Informatics).
His research areas of interest include Medical Imaging Informatics; Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) clinical uptime and usability; new PACS technology; Imaging Informatics Extended to Surgery, Cardiology, and Radiotherapy; Disaster Recovery and Fault-Tolerant design for PACS; design and implementation of high-resolution image display workstations; next generation Internet and its clinical applications; and advances in the area of image processing and information management for healthcare. He has expanded his research in designing a methodology for developing imaging-based electronic patient records (ePR) with built-in decision support in specific clinical applications to form a powerful and robust tool for longitudinal clinical research in specific disease types. He has applied this imaging informatics methodology in the fields of Oncology, Surgery, and Neurology to expand the frontiers of research in medical imaging informatics and is well poised to guide and train new scientists pursuing this area of academic research.
University of California, Los Angeles, B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1990
University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D., Biomedical Physics, 1996
Professional Memberships:
2003- Society Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
2003- Radiological Society of North America
2009- Co-Chair, SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, PACS and Imaging Informatics
Postdoctoral / Clinical Fellowships:
University of California at Los Angeles, Medical Imaging & Informatics, 1996-1999
Ongoing Research Support
NIH/NIBIB, 1T32 EB00438 9/01/2005 8/31/2010
Biomedical Imaging Informatics Training Program (HK Huang, PI)
B.J. Liu, Investigator, 5%, No Conflict
Train predoctoral students at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, MD/PhD students, and radiology residents. No. of slots per year: (Predoc, Postdoc): (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3).
VHA 8/01/2010 – 7/31/2011
Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Skill-Based Caregiver Training Program for Family, Caregivers and Veterans with Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
B.J. Liu, Technical Supervisor, 35%, No Conflict
Enhance systematic coordination, continuity and integration of care for Veterans with LAS and TBU by increasing access to quality and individualized care at home by caregivers who have been specially trained to care for patients with ALS and TBI.
DOD USAMRMC/TATRC AAMTI 4/01/2009 – 3/31/2011
Remote Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage in the Timely Evaluation of TBI, Subaward, 2007011185, USAMRMC/TATRC, (PI: H.K. Huang)
B.J. Liu co-PI, 10%
Research and develop a CAD system for timely diagnosis of Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage (AIH)
in critical environments.
FUJIFILM Medical Systems, USA, Inc. 7/01/2010 – 3/01/2011
3D vs. 2D Display Systems for Screening Mammograms
B.J. Liu, PI, 10%, No Conflict
Perform a Multiple Reader Multiple Case ROC analysis study involving Radiologists reading on display systems developed for Screening Mammography cases on a PACS workstation.
USC Summer Undergraduate Research Program Participant, Summer 2004- Summer 2010 (BJ Liu, PI)
Provide and supervise Undergraduate Students with Medical Imaging and Informatics research projects and provide a breeding ground for the NIH T-32 Training Program. Annual competitive renewal judged by previous year performance.
Completed Research Support
DOD USAMRMC/TATRC 6/01/2006 -6/01/2010
Development of Unique Advanced Medical Research and Development Initiatives in the Western United States and Pacific Rim: Proton Beam Therapy Innovations
B.J. Liu, PI, 20%, No Conflict
Research the development of DICOM-RT data objects integrated in an ePR-based system for patients treated with Proton Beam Therapy.
FUJIFILM Medical Systems, USA, Inc. 6/01/2009 -6/01/2010
Intelligent Display ROC study
B.J. Liu, PI, 10%, No Conflict
Perform a Multiple Reader Multiple Case ROC analysis study involving Radiologists reading on enhanced workflow tools developed for Screening Mammography cases on a PACS workstation.
Honors and Awards:
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA1998 for Scientific Exhibit: “Diagnostic Reading Protocols for a Neuroradiology Workstation”, Chicago, 1998
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2001 for Educational Exhibit: “PACS Archive Upgrade and Data Migration: Clinical Experiences”, Chicago, 2001
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2003 for Inforad Exhibit: “Control of Image Workflow Using Wireless PDAs”, Chicago, 2003
Certificate of Merit Award, RSNA2004 for Inforad Exhibit: “The Data Storage Grid: The Next Generation of Fault-Tolerant Storage for Backup and Disaster Recovery of Clinical Images”, Chicago, 2004
Selected Conference Proceedings and Publications:
Selected Peer-reviewed Publications
1. Liu BJ, Cao F, Zhou MZ, Mogel G, Documet L. Trends in PACS Image Storage and Archive, Comp Med Imaging & Graphics V.27:165-174, 2003.
2. Liu BJ, Huang HK, Cao F, Zhou MZ, Zhang J, Mogel G. 2003. A Complete Continuous-Availability (CA) PACS Archive Server Solution, Radiographics V.24, No.4:1203-1209, 2004.
3. Huang HK, Liu BJ, Zhou MZ, Design and Implementation of a Continuous Available (CA) Server for Medical Imaging Applications, Journal of Academic Radiology V.11, No.7:767-778, 2004.
4. Liu BJ, Zhou MZ, Documet J, Zhang A, Mogel G, Utilizing Data Grid Architecture for the Backup and Recovery of Clinical Image Data, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 29:95-102, 2005.
5. Liu BJ, Living With PACS, Part 1: Implementation Strategy, The Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, V.9, No. 1, pp. 10-15, June 2005.
6. Liu BJ, Living With PACS, Part 2: Acceptance and Testing Methodology, The Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, V.9, No. 1, pp. 16-20, June 2005.
7. Liu BJ, Zhou Z, Huang HK, A HIPAA-compliant Architecture for Securing Clinical Images, Journal of Digital Imaging, V. 19, No. 2, pp. 172-180, June 2006.
8. Documet J, Liu BJ, Huang HK, Documet L, Wireless Remote Control of Clinical Image Workflow: Utilizing a PDA for Offsite Distribution and Disaster Recovery, Journal of American College of Radiology, V. 3, No. 7, pp. 520-527, July 2006.
9. Guo B, Liu BJ, Documet J, Lee J, King N, Shrestha R, Wang K, Huang HK, Grant EG, Experiences with a Prototype Tracking & Verification System Implemented within an Imaging Center, Journal of Academic Radiology, V. 14, No. 3, pp. 270-278, 2007.
10. Liu BJ, Law YY, Documet J, Gertych A, Image-Assisted Knowledge Discovery and Decision Support in Radiation Therapy Planning, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 31:4-5, pp. 311-321, 2007.
11. Zhou Z, Liu BJ, Le A, CAD-PACS Integration Tool Kit Based on DICOM Secondary Capture, Structured Report and IHE Workflow Profiles, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 31:4-5, pp. 346-352, 2007.
12. Zhang A, Gertych A, Liu BJ, Automatic Bone Age Assessment for Young Children from Newborn to 7-Year-Old Using Carpal Bones, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 31:4-5, pp. 311-321, 299-310, 2007.
13. Huang HK, Liu BJ, Zhou Z, Documet J, A Data Grid Model for Combining Teleradiology and PACS Operations, Journal of Medical Imaging Technology, V. 25, No. 1, pp. 7-12, 2007.
14. Liu BJ, A Knowledge-Based Imaging Informatics Approach for Managing Proton Beam Therapy Treatment of Cancer Patients, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, V. 6, No. 4 Supplement, pp. 77-84, 2007.
15. Zhang A, Sayre J, Vachon L, Liu BJ, Huang HK, Cross-racial Discrepancies of Growth Patterns in Bone Age Assessment using the Greulich and Pyle Atlas, Radiology, V. 290, No. 1, pp. 228-235, 2009.
16. Law, MYY, Liu BJ, DICOM-RT and its Utilization in Radiation Therapy. Radiographics, V. 29, No. 1, pp. 228-235, 2009.
17. Law, MYY, Liu BJ, Chan WC, An ePR-based Radiation Therapy Information System Utilizing the DICOM-RT Standard. Radiographics, V. 29, No. 4, pp.961-972, 2009.
18. Le AHT, Liu BJ, Huang HK, Integration of Computer-aided Diagnosis/Detection (CAD) Results in a PACS Environment using CAD-PACS Toolkit and DICOM SR. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, V. 4, No. 4, pp.317-329, 2009.
19. Documet J, Le A, Liu BJ, Chiu J, Huang HK, A multimedia Electronic Patient Record (ePR) system for Image-Assisted Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, V. 5, No.3, pp195-209, May 2010.
20. Chiu J, Maziad A, Rappard G, Thacker J, Liu BJ, Documet J, Evolving Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: A Surgeon’s Perspective on Technological Convergence and Digital OR Control System. Surgical Technology International XIX Orthopaedic Surgery, 2010.
21. Lee J, Documet J, Liu BJ, Park R, Tank A, Huang HK, MIDG-Emerging Grid Technologies for Multi-site Preclinical Molecular Imaging Research Communities. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, V. 6, No.2, pp285-296, March 2011.
22. Le A, Liu BJ, Schulte R, Huang HK, Intelligent ePR System for Evidence-Based Research in Radiotherapy: Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, DOI: 10.1007/s11548-011-0551-y2011, pp1-16, March 2011.
Book Chapters
1. Liu BJ, Image Assisted Knowledge Discovery and Decision Support in Radiation Therapy Planning, Principles and Advanced Methods in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis AP Dhawan, HK Huang, and DS Kim, Ed., Chapter 22, pp. 545-572, World Scientific Publications, Singapore, 2008.
2. Liu BJ, Huang HK, Principles of X-Ray Anatomical Imaging Modalities, Principles and Advanced Methods in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis AP Dhawan, HK Huang, and DS Kim, Ed., Chapter 3, pp. 29-62, World Scientific Publications, Singapore, 2008.
3. Zhou Z, Huang HK, Liu BJ, Lossless Digital Signature Embedding Methods for Assuring 2D and 3D Medical Image Integrity, Principles and Advanced Methods in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis AP Dhawan, HK Huang, and DS Kim, Ed., Chapter 23, pp. 573-598, World Scientific Publications, Singapore, 2008.
4. Huang HK, Zhou Z, Liu BJ, Grid Methods for Large Scale Medical Image Archiving and Analysis, Principles and Advanced Methods in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis AP Dhawan, HK Huang, and DS Kim, Ed., Chapter 21, pp. 517-544, World Scientific Publications, Singapore, 2008.
5. Liu BJ, Huang HK, PACS and Medical Imaging Informatics for Filmless Hospitals, Biomedical Information Technology, David Dagan Feng, Ed., Chapter 13, pp. 279-306, Elsevier, Oxford, 2008.
6. Huang HK, Liu BJ, Le A, Documet J, PACS-Based Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis, Biomedical Image Processing Thomas M Deserno, Ed., Chapter 18, pp. 455-469, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2011.