Chair Professor of Medical Informatics, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2000-2011)
Honorary Professor
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics
The Chinese Academy of Sciences(2001-present)
Dr. Huang pioneered in picture archiving and communication system (PACS) and imaging informatics research. He developed the PACS at UCLA in 1991, and the hospital-integrated PACS at UCSF in 1995, and started imaging informatics research in 1999. Dr. Huang has taught at Georgetown University (71-80); University of Iowa (81-82); UCLA (82-92); UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco (92-99); Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2000-2011); and the University of Southern California (2000-present).
Dr. Huang was inducted into the Royal College of Radiologists, London as an Honorary Fellow, 1992; the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering as a Founding Fellow, 1993; the EuroPACS Society as an Honorary Member, 1996; Honorary President, International CARS Congress, London, 2003; President, First Iranian Imaging Informatics Conference, 2007, and Honorary Member, Iranian Society of Radiologists, 2011. Dr. Huang has been a Visiting Professor in many leading universities around the world, and a board member of several medical imaging manufacturers.
His research interests are in tele-imaging and telemedicine, fault-tolerant PACS server, PACS ASP model, Internet 2, PACS-based CAD and surgery, imaging informatics, image recovery during disaster, image integrity, Data Grid and Grid Computing, Cloud computing, HIPAA compliance, Patient tracking system, PDA web-based image management and distribution, ePR, Radiation Therapy ePR System, dedicated breast MRI ePR system, Image-guided minimally invasive spinal surgery ePR system, and imaging informatics simulators.
Dr. Huang has authored, co-authored, and co-edited 10 books, published over 200 peer-reviewed papers, and received several patents. His 2010 book: “PACS and Imaging Informatics, 2nd Edition” with full color and 1000 pages published by Wiley & Blackwell is the only single-authored textbook in this field. During the past 25 years, Dr. Huang has received over 21 million US dollars in PACS, medical imaging informatics, tele-imaging, and image processing related research grants and contracts, as well as imaging physics, and informatics training grants from US Federal and State Governments, and private industry. He has mentored 24 Ph.D. students and over 44 Post Doctoral Fellows from around the world. Dr. Huang has been a consultant for many national and international hospitals, and imaging manufacturers in the design and implementation of PACS, enterprise level ePR with image distribution, and image-based therapy and surgical treatment ePR systems. In addition to other research grants and contracts in the US; Dr. Huang is currently the PI of the NIBIB, National Institutes of Health, USA Pre-doc and post-doc Training Grant: “Training in Medical Imaging Informatics”, a Consultant of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority on “Total Filmless Operation for HA Healthcare Delivery”, and PI of the Taiwan government funded “Breast Imaging Data Grid for Taiwan”.
- Ledley, Robert S., H.K. Huang, and J.C. Mazziotta. 1977. Cross- Sectional Anatomy–An Atlas for Computerized Tomography. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. p. 330.
- Suarez, Faustino, H.K. Huang. 1982. Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Pig. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
- H.K.Huang. 1987. Elements of Digital Radiology: A Professional Handbook and Guide. Prentice-Hall, Inc., N.J., April.
- A.R. Benedetto, H.K. Huang, D.P. Ragan, Eds. 1990. Computers in Medical Physics. Medical Physics Monograph No. 17, AAPM, American Institute of Physics.
- H.K. Huang, O. Ratib, et al. 1991 Ed. Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). NATO ASI F Series. Springer-Verlag, Germany.
- H.K. Huang. 1996. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems in Biomedical Imaging. VCH Publishers, NY, p.489.
- H.K. Huang. 1999. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: Principles and Applications. Wiley & Sons, NY, p.521.
- H.K. Huang, March, 2004. PACS and Imaging Informatics: Principles and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. 704 pages.
- AP Dhawan, HK Huang, and DS Kim. 2008. Principles and Advanced Methods in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis”. Ed. World Scientific Publications, NJ, London, Singapore. 850 pages.
- H.K. Huang, 2010. 2nd Edition. PACS and Imaging Informatics: Principles and Applications. Wiley & Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey. 1000 pages.
Selected peer-reviewed publications:
(Selected from over 200 from 2005-2011 most recent related to Imagaging Informatics)
- Huang HK, Aifeng Zhang, Brent Liu, Zheng Zhou, Jorge Documet, Nelson King, L.W.C. Chan, Data Grid for large-scale medical image archive and analysis, Proc. J American Computing Machine. Multimedia Nov. 1005-1013, 2005.
- Huang HK, Brent J, Liu, Zheng Zhou, Jorge Documet. A Data Grid Model for Combining Teleradiology and PACS Operations, J Med Imag Tech, Vol 25, , 7-12, 2007.
- Doi K and Huang HK, Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) and image-guided decision support. Editorial, J Computer Med Imag Graph, 31, 195-197, 2007.
- Gertych A, Zhang A, Sayre J , Pospiech-Kurkowska S, Huang HK, Bone Age Assessment of Children using a Digital Hand Atlas, J Computer Med Imag Graph, 31, 322-331, 2007.
- Chan T, Huang HK, Effect of a Computer-aided Diagnosis System on Clinicians’ Performance in Detection of Small Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage on Computed Tomography. Acad Radiology, 15, 3, 290-299, 2008.
- Huang HK, Utilization of Medical Imaging Informatics and Biometric Technologies in Healthcare Delivery, Intern J. Comp Asst Rad & Surg, 3:27-39, 2008.
- Zhang A, Sayre, JW, Vachon L, Liu BJ, Huang HK, Cross-Racial Differences in Growth Patterns of Children Based on Bone Age Assessment. J Radiology, 1, 228-235, 2009.
- Le A, Liu B, Huang HK Integration of computer-aided diagnosis/detection (CAD) results in a PACS environment using CAD–PACS toolkit and DICOM SR, Intern J. Comp Asst Rad & Surg, 4:317-329, 2009.
- Documet J, Le A, Liu BJ, Chiu J, Huang HK, A multimedia Electronic Patient Record (ePR) system for Image-Assisted Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Intern J. Comp Asst Rad & Surg, V 5, 3 195-209, 2010.
- Huang HK, Liu BJ., Le Anh, Documet J, PACS-Based Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis, in TM Deserno Ed., Biomedical Image Processing, Chap 18, 455-469, in TM Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011.
- Huang HK, Short History of PACS – Part I: USA, Euro J Radiology, 78.163-76, 2011.
- Lee J, Documet J, Liu BJ, Park R, Tank A, Huang HK, MIDG-Emerging Grid Technologies for Multi-Site Preclinical Molecular Imaging Research Communities. Intern J Comp Asst Rad & Surg, 6, 285-296, 2011.
- Le A, Liu B, Schulte R, Huang HK, Intelligent ePR for evidence-based research in radiotherapy: An example in proton therapy for prostate cancer, Intern J. Comp Asst Rad & Surg, DOI10.1007/s11548-011-0551-y 2011.
- Huang, HK, From PACS to Web-based ePR with image distribution for enterprise-level filmless healthcare ; Delivery, Rad Phys & Tech, Volume 4, No.2., 91-108, 2011.
- Lee J, Zhang J, Park R, Grant D, Liu B, Huang HK, A DICOM-based 2nd generation molecular imaging data grid implementing the IHE XDS-I integration Profile, Intern J Comp Asst Rad & Surg (accepted) 2011.