Departments of Biomedical Engineering
Tel: 213-821-8395
Email: kevincma@usc.edu
Research Assistant
Image Processing and Informatics Lab
Department of Radiology
USC Keck School of Medicine
Kevin joined IPI Lab during the summer of 2005 and 2006 as an undergraduate research assistant from the University of Texas at Austin. During his times here, he has worked on designing web-based interface to Location Tracking and Verifiction System and web-based interface to Data Grid of Image-based clinical trials. He is joining IPI full-time starting Fall 2007 as a graduate student in USC. His interests include medical imaging, signal and image processing and Informatics.
B.S. Biomedical Engineering – Imaging Applications, University of Texas at Austin, 2007
M.S. Biomedical Engineering -Medical Imaging and Imaging Informatics, University of Southern California, 2009
Professional Memberships:
RSNA Member, Radiological Society of North America
Student Member, The Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Bone Age Assessment
Computer-Aided Detection for Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage (AIH)
Computer-Aided Detection for acute ischemic stroke
eFolder for Multiple Sclerosis
Honors and Awards:
2007-2010 NIH NIBIB T32 EB00438 Training Grant recipient
Selected Conference Proceedings and Publications:
Ma, K., Fernandez, J., Amezcua, L., et al., “Evaluation of an automatic multiple sclerosis lesion quantification tool in an informatics-based MS e-folder system,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7967, 79670K (2011)
Le, A.H., Park, Y.W., Ma, K., Jacobs, C., Liu, B.J., (2010) “Performance evaluation for volumetric segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions using MATLAB and computing engine in the graphical processing unit (GPU),” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7628, 76280W
Ma, K., Jacobs, C., Fernandez, J., Amezcua L., Liu, B., (2010) “The development of a disease oriented eFolder for multiple sclerosis decision support,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7628, 76280G
Ma, K. C., Zhang, A., Moin, P., Fleshman, M., Vachon, L., Liu, B., Huang, H. K., (2009) “An online real-time DICOM web-based computer-aided diagnosis system for bone age assessment of children in a PACS environment,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7264, 726418
Ma, K., Moin, P., Zhang, A., Liu, B., (2010) “Computer-aided bone age assessment for ethnically diverse older children using integrated fuzzy logic system,” Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7628, 76280I
Zhou Z, Ma K, Talini E, Documet J, Liu B. Design and Implementation of a Web-based Data Grid Management System for Enterprise PACS Backup and Disaster Recovery. SPIE 2007