Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory, Department of Radiology
University of Southern California
Radiation therapist
Associate Professor of Radiation therapy
Department of Health Technology and Informatics
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Associate of the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physicss
Chinese Academy of Sciences in china
Honorary Consultant
Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong
Maria Y.Y. Law, D.Sc., is currently the Associate Professor of Radiation Therapy in the Department of Optometry and Radiography, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Associate of the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Specializing in radiation therapy, Maria is deeply involved in activities of the local and international professional societies. She is the editor of the Hong Kong Radiographers Journal and the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee of the 2005 World Congress of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists.
Research Interests:
Her current research interest is in radiation therapy informatics.
Current Projects:
Maria is involved in the development of the PACS and related research in the PolyU.
She is also a Consultant of the PACS project and filmless oncology project of the Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong.
- Huang H.K. PACS and Imaging Informatics – Basic Principles and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Contribution to: Chapter 21 p.548-566; Chapter 22 p.273-580 and providing comments to the entire volume. - C. Chan, M. Law, P. Leung. An empowerment group for Chinese cancer patients in Hong Kong. In: Fielding R, Chan C.L.W. Psychosocial Oncology & Palliative Care in Hong Kong: the First Decade. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2000.
Peer-Reviewed Journal:
- Maria YY Law . A model of DICOM-based electronic patient record in radiation therapy. Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (In press), 2005
- Chan LWC, Zhou MZ, Hau SK, Law MYY, Tang FH, Documet J. International Internet-2 performance and automatic tuning protocol for medical imaging applications. Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. (In press), 2005.
- Tang FH, Law M , Lee A, Chan L. A mobile phone integrated health care delivery system of medical images. Journal of Digital Imaging, 2004:17 (3), 217-225
- Maria Law . Editorial: Radiography…Beyond the fourth dimension. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2004, 8 (1 & 2), p.1.
- Gabriel SM Cheung, Maria YY Law, Minnie YY Chan, Victor SC Lee, Tarrell OC Choi. The use of complementary medicine among the radiotherapy patients in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2004, 8 (1 & 2), p. 7-16.
- Maria Law . Editorial: Radiography…Beyond the fourth dimension. International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists Newsletter. 2004: 40 (2) , p.3.
- Maria Y.Y. Law. Editorial: The SARS reflection and awakening – crisis creates opportunity. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2003: 7 (1 & 2), P.2.
- Maria Y.Y. Law , Zheng Zhou. New Directions in PACS Training. Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2003; 27 (2-3): 147-156.
- Maria Y.Y. Law, H.K. Huang. Concept of a PACS and Imaging Informatics-based Server for Radiation Therapy. Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2003; 27 (1): 1–9.
- F.H. Tang, M.Y.Y. Law. A Comparative study of three high-resolution LCD monitors in PACS setting. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2002 6 (2): 60-63.
- Wu V.W.C., Cheung K.Y., Lee L., Tung S.Y., Leung G J., Mui A.W.L., Law M.Y.Y. Evaluation of the user-friendliness and dosimetric accuracy of treatment planning systems for 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy”. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice. 2002 (3): 33-41.
- Maria Law . Editorial – Continuing Professional Development – the way ahead. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2002, 6(2 ): 52.
- Maria Law . Editorial – Towards a New Paradigm – from the Historic Summit Meeting. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2002, 6(1 ): 2.
- Maria Y.Y. Law , Cecilia L.W. Chan, Philip W.S. Ho. Quality of life of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer in a course of radiation therapy. The Hong Kong Radiographers Journal. 2002; 6 (1): 10-16.
- Maria Y.Y. Law , H.K. Huang. Serving up Integrated Therapy. Advance for Imaging and Oncology Administrator. November 2001, Vol.11, No.11.
- YM Lai, Maria YY Law, Alton LB Ma, Eric KW Tam, Carmen KM Chan. Patients’ knowledge gain from the radiographer-led treatment information Session and its relationship with patients’ anxiety and depression. Hong Kong Radiographers’ Journal. 2001, 5(1), 7-11.
- Law MYY , Cheung F, Kwan WY, Tsang WC, Cheng YT, Wong KF. An evaluation of three breast irradiation techniques. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 2000, 2 : 9-15.
- Maria Law . Editorial – Are Radiographers technologists or technical supporting staff? Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 2000, 4(2 ): 51.
- M. Law . Editorial – Opportunity or threat? Hong Kong Radiographers Journal, 1999, 3(1 ): 1.
- MYY Law , DWC Cheung, TSM Kwok, WWS Lau, APW Wong. The perceived adequacy of information provision for relatives of radiotherapy patients. Hong Kong Radiographers Journal. 1997, 1(2).
- TPY Wong, WK Kan, M Law. The effects of air cavities on X-Ray dose distribution at 6 and 25 MV. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 1996,19(4), 237-247
- Butson MJ, Wong TPY, Law M, Law A, Mathur JN, Metcalfe PE. Magnetic repulsion of linear accelerator contaminates. Medical Physics 1996, 23 (6): 953-955
Proceedings Paper
- Maria Y.Y. Law , Lawrence Chan, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jianguo Zhang . A DICOM-based Radiotherapy Information System. Proceedings of the SPIE on CD-ROM, Medical Imaging 2004, 14-19 February, San Diego, U.S.A, 2004 , 309-317.
- Maria Y.Y. Law , H.K. Huang, X. Zhang, J. Zhang. The Data Model of a PACS-based DICOM Radiation Therapy Server. Proceedings of the SPIE on CD-ROM. Medical Imaging 2003, 16-20 February, San Diego, U.S.A, p.118-129
- M.Y.Y. Law, H.K. Huang, X. Zhang, J. Zhang. DICOM and imaging informatics-based radiation therapy server. Proceedings of the SPIE on CD-ROM: Medical Imaging 2002, 26-28 February, San Diego, U.S.A, p.160-167
- The application and development of information technology – the medical imaging perspective. Proceedings of the National Conference of Medical Imaging, The Society of Imaging Technology and Society of Radiologists, Chinese Medical Association. September, 2-6, 2001
- FH Tang, Maria Y.Y. Law, J Zhang, HL Liu, T Chang, K Matsuda, F Cao. Implementation of a PACS for radiography training and clinical service in a university setting through a multi-national effort. Proceedings of the SPIE: Medical Imaging 2001 – PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evaluation, 2001 February, San Diego