Image Processing and Informatics Laboratory
Department of Radiology
University of Southern California, USA
Dr. King joined the Imaging and Informatics Laboratory in 2004 to apply his systems engineering background to the challenges faced in the integration of clinical imaging systems throughout the hospital enterprise. His research interests include architectures for secure storage and recovery of clinical data, integration of location and tracking technologies (e.g., RFID) with clinical workflows, and socio-technical issues of medical information systems. Dr. King has been a consultant to one hospital deploying an electronic patient record system. His research has been published at the Radiology Society of North America conference, International Society for Optical Engineers Medical Imaging conference, and the Middle East Conference on Healthcare Informatics.
Research Interests:
Architectures for secure storage and recovery of clinical data, integration of location and tracking technologies (e.g., RFID) with clinical workflows, decision support for patient-physician collaboration, socio-technical issues in deploying data storage grids.
Current Projects:
DICOM Data Storage Grid
PACS Queue Delivery Time Prediction
Patient Tracking in Clinical Workflows
“Socio-technical Considerations for Deploying a Data Storage Grid for Clinical Image Backup and Recovery”, 2005, Proceedings of 2nd Middle East Conference on Healthcare Informatics
“The Data Storage GRID: The Next Generation of Fault-Tolerant Storage for Backup and Disaster Recovery of Clinical Images”, infoRAD Exhibit, Radiological Society of North America, 1994, authored with Brent Liu, Zheng Zhou, Jorge Document, H.K. Huang
“Technology Adaptation: the Case of a Computer supported Inter organizational Virtual Team”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 24 No. 4, December 2000, pp. 569 600, co-authored with Ann Majchrzak, Ron Rice, Sulin Ba, Arvind Malhotra
“Computer-Mediated Inter-Organizational Knowledge-Sharing: Insights from a Virtual Team Innovating Using a Collaborative Tool”, Information Resources Management Journal, January-March 2000, Vol 13, No. 1, pp. 44- 53, co-authored with Ann Majchrzak, Ron Rice, Arvind Malhotra, Sulin Ba
“Concurrent Engineering Tools Are the Human Issues Being Ignored?”, IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management, Vol 43, N 2, May 1996, with Ann Majchrzak
“A Decision Support System for Mine Evaluations”, Project Management Journal, Vol 17, No. 1, March 1986
“Technology Alignment and Adaptation for Virtual Teams Involved in Unstructured Knowledge Work” in Virtual Teams That Work, edited by Susan Cohen and Cristina Gibson, Jossey-Bass, 2003, with Ann Majchrzak
“New product development as a loosely coupled system: An alternate characterization?”, Proceedings of Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management -V, O. Brown Jr. and H. W. Hendricks (eds), North-Holland, 1996